See also today's weather maps and satellite pictures


DATE : July Thursday 3rd 1997
sunset 21 h 18 min

- Altitude :
The low centred over the British Islands goes on controlling the circulation over France. A trough extending over Spain steers a moderate southerly flow over the Alps. This flow goes on bringing moist and warm air in low level from the Mediterranean sea.

- Surface :
South to south-easterly weak flow in a pressure field about 1015 hPa without gradient. The conditions are those of an unstable rear sky weather.

QNH 1016 hPa
FL 75 2310 m
FL 115 3530 m
FL 195 5970 m

- No sounding this morning because bad conditions.
- Forecast evolution : the air mass will become a little drier in mid and upper level, but remains very moist in low level.
Because no subsiding effect, the vertical profile remains unstable up to the upper levels. The cloudiness will be important all the day ; however, with some bright periods in the afternoon, convection will give Cu and Cu congestus, base about 1500m with Temp. max 21,5 °C ; showers , then local thunderstorm in the afternoon and in the evening.
ISO 0°C 3300 m
ISO -10 °C 5000m

Favourable elements : ?

Unfavourable elements :
- important cloudiness
- showers all the day specially upward the orography.
- thunderstorms development in the mid afternoon and in the evening.

Outlook for tomorrow :
Persistency of the south-westerly flow with still moist and very unstable air mass.
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Visit Philippe de Péchy's "Vol à Voile" (Soaring) server : infos, ad's, glider pictures, GPS turnpoints coordinates, competitions results and an unofficial ranking of all glider pilots in the world.

Other sites of soaring interest : 
  • World Gliding Championships 1997, Saint-Auban, France (championnats du monde de vol à voile) 
  • L'aéro-club du Bas-Armagnac, Nogaro (Gers, France) Aeroclub of Bas-Armagnac 
  • Classement Vuillemot - French Soaring Pilots Permanent Ranking 
  • Classement International - Results and Ranking 
  • Fédération française de vol à voile - French Soaring Association 
  • Les cumulus vus par satellite (Université de Strasbourg) - See cumuluses via satellite
  • NOAA visible
    *change banni*res
    réseau Ex-Echo
    Certification d'audience E-Stat  Web page by Denis Flament (from Nogaro aeroclub)
    consulted  times since 13-Jun-97
    updated : 13-Jun-97